Latinx Stories

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a Brown girl with black hair tied up in a ponytail, aginst a background of houses and tropical vegetation
$17.99 USD
the back of Judge Sonia Sotomayor walking up the stpes to the capitol building
$17.99 USD
$17.99 USD
a picture of a woman in a pink twirly dress, with a young girl dancing in front of her.
a group of people on library steps looking at  Pura Belpre
$9.99 USD
A young riding on her grandfathers shoulders as they take a walk.
A woman holding a baby against a sunset with flowers and a butterfly
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Brightly colored fragments of flowers, music and animals
Julian stands proudly in front of a brick wall with ferns and flowers in his hair and a long curtain draped around his waist. He looks like a mermaid.
two young friends in their wedding outfits