Stories for the Holidays: Bringing Books to Children in Need
This program in Fairfax is closed. However we are delighted that we were able to partner with Britepaths and provide books for children in Fairfax County. If you would like to consider a similar partnership please don't hesitate to contacts us as info (at) storieslikeme.com
Stories Like Me is delighted to be partnering with Britepaths this holiday season, to bring beautiful and diverse books to Fairfax County families in need. We believe that all children should be able to see themselves in a story, regardless of their financial situation. Help us celebrate the spirit of the season by donating books to local families!
A little about Britepaths and their Holiday Program:
Britepaths works to provide our Fairfax County area neighbors in need with short-term safety-net services and empower them to work toward long-term self-sufficiency. This holiday season, Britepaths is working to assist 800 Fairfax County area families who might otherwise go without with Thanksgiving meals, December holiday meals and gifts for their children in December.
Here is more information about their Holiday Program.
How do I participate?
Visit our Gift Books Collection to buy a book for a child at our pop-up sales or on our website!
Every little bit helps!
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